
Excited to share our recent work, “Joint Sequence Learning and Cross-Modality Convolution for 3D Biomedical Segmentation,” accepted for CVPR 2017.

Convolutional neural networks have shown effective in image segmentation. However, most of them merely operate with a single modality or simply stack multiple modalities as different input channels. Seeing oncologists leverage the multi-modal signals in tumor diagnosis, we propose a deep encoder-decoder structure with cross-modality convolution layers to incorporate different modalities of MRI data for tumor segmentation.

In addition, we exploit convolutional LSTM (convLSTM) to model a sequence of 2D slices, and jointly learn the multi-modalities and both sequential and spatial contexts in an end-to-end manner. To avoid converging to the dominating background labels, we adopt a re-weighting scheme and two-phase training to handle the label imbalance.

Experimental results on BRATS-2015, an open benchmark for tumor segmentation, evidence that our method yields the best performance so far among the deep methods. To our best knowledge, this is the first end-to-end network jointly considering multiple modalities and the contextual sequences. We believe the proposed framework can be extended to other applications with emerging multimodal signals.

觀察腫瘤科醫師時常交互利用各種醫學影像(MRI, CT, PET)來判斷腫瘤的狀況、位置,為了改進醫療的品質,我們與中部某教學醫院嘗試利用深度網路來改進腫瘤診斷的效率與正確性。很高興達到第一個里程碑並將在今年CVPR發表。

