winston hsu


Prof. Winston Hsu (徐宏民, and CV) is an active researcher dedicated to large-scale image/video retrieval/mining, visual recognition, and machine intelligence. He is keen to realizing advanced researches towards business deliverables via academia-industry collaborations. He is the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and Vice President for MobileDrive (富智捷), a new joint venture between FIH/Foxconn and Stellantis (#4 automaker in the world) and a Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University. He founded MiRA (Multimedia indexing, Retrieval, and Analysis) research group and co-leads Communication and Multimedia Lab (CMLab). He co-founded, thingnario, an AI/IoT startup for optimizing green energy and virtual power plant.

He and his team have been recognized with technical awards in multimedia and computer vision research communities. Working closely with the industry, he was a Visiting Scientist at Microsoft Research Redmond (2014) and had his 1-year sabbatical leave (2016-2017) at IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, to enhance Watson’s visual cognition, where he contributed the first AI produced movie trailer. He is the Founding Director for NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU), the 1st in Asia. Having investigated deep neural networks for numerous image/video challenges, recently, he is also helping companies set up the AI/deep learning teams for advanced products.

He received Ph.D. (2007) from Columbia University, New York, under the supervision of Prof. Shih-Fu Chang. Before that, he was a founding engineer and research manager in CyberLink Corp, now a public image/video software company. He serves as the Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) and IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, two premier journals, and was in the Editorial Board for IEEE Multimedia Magazine  (2010 – 2017). He is also a columnist for DIGITIMES for the machine learning aspect. He also served as Director/Board Members for Columbia Alumni Association of Taiwan

The public publication list can be found in DBLP and  Google Citations (with citations).  He is in the list of “World’s Top 2% Scientists (2023).”

He is proud to be a Christian, a marathoner, a triathlete, and a father of three.

In his internationally competitive research group, he is always looking forward to working closely, as a partner, with enthusiastic and motivated team members for the exciting projects. Feel free to contact for further opportunities as postdocs, research assistants, and (PhD, master, undergraduate) students. See more details in the (international) news reports.

[Traditional Chinese] 徐宏民(Winston Hsu)現任MobileDrive (富智捷) (FIH/Foxconn 及全球第四大車廠Stellantis 合資公司)技術長暨副總經理以及台大資訊工程系教授,NVIDIA AI Lab計畫主持人,及共同領導「通訊與多媒體實驗室」(CMLab)。哥倫比亞大學電機博士(指導教授 Prof. Shih-Fu Chang),專精於機器學習、電腦視覺、大規模影像視訊搜尋與辨識等領域。為工業智能新創thingnario(慧景科技)共同創辦人,訊連科技研發團隊創始成員,曾任美國微軟研究院客座研究員、IBM華生研究中心客座研究員,期間貢獻第一個AI自動生成預告片。習慣從學術及產業界的角度檢驗技術發展的機會;十餘年產學合作及新創經驗,近年與國內外企業合作,將深度學習技術落實到產品上,並且協助成立深度學習(人工智慧)團隊。研究成果名列2023年「全球前2%頂尖科學家(World’s Top 2% Scientists)」名單,曾獲2018 IBM Research Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award 、CVPR 2018偽裝人臉辨識冠軍、2018 IEEE訊號處理學會影像競賽全球第三 、微軟Bing大規模影像搜尋競賽全球冠軍(2013)、傑出資訊人才獎、吳大猷先生紀念獎等多項國內外大獎。目前亦擔任電子時(DIGITIMES)人工智慧專欄主筆,以及IEEE 頂尖期刊 Trans. on Multimedia (TMM) 及 Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT) 副主編。研究內容亦可參考國際媒體報導團隊研究工作。目前亦擔任Columbia Alumni Association of Taiwan哥倫比亞大學校友會理事

Academic/Industry Positions

  • present2015


    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei

  • 20202016

    Director, NVIDIA AI Lab (NTU)

    National Taiwan University, Taipei

  • present2017


    Co-founder, thingnario Inc.

  • present2017


    Technical Committee for Science Park, Taiwan

  • 20172016

    Visiting Scientist – Cognitive Computing

    IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York, USA

  • summer2014

    Visiting Researcher

    Microsoft Research Redmond, USA

  • 20152007

    Assistant/Associate Professor

    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei

  • 20011997

    Founding Engineer and RD Manager

    CyberLink Corp. (訊連科技), Taipei


  • Ph.D. 2007

    Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering

    Department of Electrical Engineering, Columbia University, New York

  • MS 1995

    MS in Computer Science

    Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taiwan

Honors and Awards

  • Sept. 2018
    IBM Research Pat Goldberg Memorial Best Paper Award
    Recognizing the technical impacts for the contributed AI trainer project as the Visiting Scientist to IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York
  • June. 2018
    FIRST PLACE in IARPA Disguised Faces in the Wild Competition 2018
    Disguised face recognition competition organized in premier vision conference, CVPR 2018
  • Oct. 2017
    Best Brave New Idea Paper Award in ACM Multimedia 2017
    Recognizing the scientific and industrial values for the first AI for movie trailer creation as having my sabbatical leave in IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York.
  • Jan. 2017
    2016 IBM Research Image Award
    Recognizing the technology, industry, and media impacts for the first AI trailer, Morgan, as the Visiting Scientist to IBM TJ Watson Research Center, New York
  • Oct.2016
    Award for NVIDIA AI LAB
    The 1st in Asia; awards with multi-year gift grants and supercomputer DGX-1 for deep learning, presented by NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang.
  • Nov. 2016
    Microsoft Research Asia Collaborative Research Award
    Deep learning methods for fashion photo chatbot
  • Nov. 2014
    ACM Multimedia 2014 Grand Challenge Multimodal Award
    A premier recognition for solving industry challenges in the top conference
  • Jul. 2012
    2014-2017 Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Excellent Young Researcher Award
    selective research grants for prominent young researchers
  • Dec. 2013
    2013 National Outstanding IT Elite Award (傑出資訊人才獎)
    National awards for contributions in advanced research and industry collaborations
  • Oct. 2013
    FIRST PLACE in MSR-Bing Image Retrieval Challenge 2013
    award presented by Microsoft CTO Dr. Harry Shum; event hosted by Microsoft Research Redmond and Bing
  • Oct. 2013
    ACM Multimedia 2013 Grand Challenge Multimodal Award
    A premier recognition for solving industry challenges in the top conference
  • Jul. 2012
    2012-2014 National Science Council (NSC) Excellent Young Researcher Award
    selective research grants for prominent young researchers
  • Jul. 2012
    2012 NTU EECS Research Contribution Award
    top 3% among 180 faculties in EECS school
  • Apr. 2012
    Microsoft Research Asia Collaborative Research Award
    2012 Microsoft Research Asia Windows Phone Theme Program
  • Dec. 2011
    FIRST Prize for ACM Multimedia Grand Challenge 2011
    A premier recognition for solving industry challenges in the top conference
  • Aug. 2011
    2011 National Science Council Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎)
    a national and prestigious recognition for young researchers
  • Jan. 2009
    Microsoft Research Asia Collaborative Research Award