
與外部單位的合作,時常會讓我們有意想不到的收穫,以及擴張多樣性的思考空間。MSRA Outreach團隊將我們這兩年的合作成果發表在Microsoft Research的網誌上。

也感謝微軟亞洲研究院 (MSRA) 這十年來的持續支持,讓我們可以不斷探索前瞻技術的各種可能,並且有機會貢獻在微軟的產品上。

Hsu noted, “This idea was developed during our previous collaboration on XiaoIce with Ruihua Song, Principal Data and Applied Science Lead at MRSA, where we empowered a chatbot to compose modern Chinese poems for user-uploaded photos. We were very excited about how much more can be done in photo commenting for user-contributed fashion photos. In this work, we aim to create comments like a “netizen” would actually sound, which reflects the culture in the designated social community and fosters more engagement with the chatbot and between the users. We expect the results have application in social media, customer services, e-commerce, fashion mining, and other areas.”

“Diversity is one of the biggest challenges in text generation. This project not only designed brand-new diversity measurements, but also proposed a smart way of marrying topic models with neural networks to make up for the insufficiency of conventional image captioning,” said Song.