
Feel proud that the team is ranked #1 (the First Place) in CVPR 2018 Disgusied Face Recognition! Our team just won the disguised face recognition competition in “Disguised Face in the Wild” for CVPR 2018 — the best computer vision conference.

It’s a great honor as having the best performance over the leading international research teams (either from the academia or the industry). Disguised face recognition is one of the unsolved face recognition problems and that’s why it was hosted the first time in the best (and also the most important) computer vision conference, CVPR.


我們參加今年#CVPR(電腦視覺頂尖會議)的Disguised Face Recognition 競賽。很高興在團隊的努力下,我們獲得排名第一的成績。前十排名請參考照片,其他公司以及團隊的名稱先移除。 偽裝人臉是相當具有挑戰的問題,但是仔細看,即使是偽裝的人臉,還是有些主要的特質在同一個人臉上。

我們因此設計新的網路來抓取這些主要特徵。 我們還針對低解析度人臉的辨識,也有相當好的突破。希望有機會再分享。

沒想到在#CVPR 2018舉辦的Disgused Face Recognition Challenge (偽裝人臉辨識競賽),還會給冠軍獎牌,刻上單位名稱。夠慎重。

A surprise to receive the award plaque for #CVPR 2018 Disguised Face Recognition Challenge.