
Huge congratulations to CyberLink for the 20th anniversary!

It’s an exciting and tough journey for the multimedia software company to grow from a startup, initially sitting in a small apartment with a handful of members to a multinational (public) enterprise, diligently led by Chairman Jau Huang and CEO Alice Chang.

I am so grateful that my first career was here; I was able to attend the early stage and gain the very painful (but precious) growth in the period. Thankfully, The “start-up” experience also provided a stable ground for my PhD study in Columbia University in the City of New York and augment my further career in advanced research for investigating machine intelligence over large-scale multimodal data streams.

Wish the best to CyberLink for another exciting 20 years!

Also cheer for all the CyberLinkers to further expand in software business and let’s form an influential “CyberLink Mafia.”

恭喜 CyberLink (訊連科技)20歲了!


很幸運,也很感謝生涯的第一份工作,就從這裡出發;體認Jau HuangAlice Chang,還有許多早期CyberLinkers 的努力。青澀不安地跟著推擠成長。這段歷程,也讓我在接下來能更有力量、更有準備地到紐約往另一個階段前進。

也很興奮,數年之後,還可以從旁協助CyberLink 與Perfect,將機器智能用於大量的使用者與影像資料上,探索嶄新的機會。接下來,一定會是繼續完美的10年、20年!

我更由衷希望開枝散葉的CyberLinkers 可以在軟體創業上繼續努力,讓台灣也可以有CyberLink Mafia。