Liang-Chi Hsieh, Kuan-Ting Chen, Chien-Hsing Chiang, Yi-Hsuan Yang, Guan-Long Wu, Chun-Sung Ferng, Hsiu-Wen Hsueh, Angela Charng-Rurng Tsai, Winston H. Hsu
ACM Multimedia, Pages 1121-1122, October 2009
Publication year: 2009

In this demonstration, we present a real-time system that addresses three essential issues of large-scale image object retrieval: 1) image object retrieval-facilitating pseudo-objects in inverted indexing and novel object-level pseudo-relevance feedback for retrieval accuracy; 2) time efficiency-boosting the time efficiency and memory usage of object-level image retrieval by a novel inverted indexing structure and efficient query evaluation; 3) recall rate improvement–mining semantically relevant auxiliary visual features through visual and textual clusters in an unsupervised and scalable (i.e., MapReduce) manner. We are able to search over one-million image collection in respond to a user query in 121ms, with significantly better accuracy (+99%) than the traditional bag-of-words model.