Feel grateful that we are the 5th research lab in the world and 1st in Asia to be sponsored and recognized as NVIDIA AI Lab. It is to recognize our great efforts in machine intelligence for large-scale multimodal data streams and kicks off the collaborations between NVIDIA and our lab. We are lucky to have the most powerful GPU server, DGX-1, and multi-year gift money from NVIDIA. Look forward to coming fruitful collaborations!
輝達將攜手台大成立AI實驗室 黃仁勳:台灣有很好基礎 政府應視為重點產業
…“黃仁勳強調,台大在教授徐宏民帶領下,設有首屈一指的人工智慧實驗室,輝達將與其一起合作,提供該實驗室輝達開發出的超級電腦 DGX-1,協助該實驗室進行相關實驗與技術研發,同時輝達也可以提供研究所需之資金,另外輝達本身也有龐大的人工智慧研發團隊,可與台大一起合作,開發更多新型態的人工智慧技術。”…
The award is presented in person by NVIDIA CEO Jen-Hsun Huang in GTC Taiwan 2016. See the the announcement in the following video. The award also received huge media coverages.