We are invited for a prestigious demo in FutureTech 2018 by Ministry of Science and Technology, (MOST) during Nov. 13-15, 2019. We receive very positive comments by the visitors for our advanced research in drone-based object counting, recognition and segmentation for 3D cloud points , and virtual try-on shoe (PIVTONS). We also received the breakthrough award from the Ministry Dr. Chen.
獲選參加就是個榮幸。 很高興在「2018未來科技展」最後,和其他團隊,依序在科技陳部長(陳良基的創新筆記)手中接下這個肯定。
我們最大的支援,當然得歸功於 科技部 前瞻司楊司長(楊琇雅)以及前工程司長 廖婉君 的大力支持我們進行 high-risk-high-payoff 研究。

- 相關新聞報導
- 研究論文:
- Meng-Ru Hsieh, Yenliang Lin, Winston H. Hsu. Drone-based Object Counting by Spatially Regularized Regional Proposal Networks, ICCV 2017.
- Dataset: 無人機偵測 CARPK資料集(包含九萬個物件標註)
- Demo Video:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uaJy3Go-gNw