Hong-Ming Chen, Chang Ming-Hsiu, Ping-Chieh Chang, Ming-Chun Tien, Winston H. Hsu, Ja-Ling Wu
ACM Multimedia, Pages 737-740, October 2008
Publication year: 2008

Online photo albums have been prevalent in recent years and have resulted in more and more applications developed to provide convenient functionalities for photo sharing. In this paper, we propose a system named SheepDog to automatically add photos into appropriate groups and recommend suitable tags for users on Flickr. We adopt concept detection to predict relevant concepts of a photo and probe into the issue about training data collection for concept classification. From the perspective of gathering training data by web searching, we introduce two mechanisms and investigate their performances of concept detection. Based on some existing information from Flickr, a ranking-based method is applied not only to obtain reliable training data, but also to provide reasonable group/tag recommendations for input photos. We evaluate this system with a rich set of photos and the results demonstrate the effectiveness of our work.